Saturday, September 05, 2009
I WANT TO BLOG, I want to write my thoughts! HAHA! I AM SOSOSOSO excited to SHOUT IT OUT!
Today's CMS with sam was super-duper cool and powerful. I must say, really, my qt hasnt been fantastic nowadays. I felt so bad, people was sharing how they can pray every single day. Of course, God wont blame you, He wont punish you. I "pang seh" God so many times. I felt so refreshed in the spirit, i felt i was "back" to God after so long. It felt as if i hadnt spoke to my closest closest friend for so long. I realised my qt was so important, other than attending service every single weekend.
My encounter was so powerful that i teared when the music starts. God was saying how i should TREASURE. That's a big word. i asked again, treasure about what? Treasuring every single encounter with Him, treasuring what i have now, treasuring my family, my friends. I want to, i want to encounter God every day before i sleep, every morning i wakes up, i want to talk to God. How cool can it be...
I want to treasure the presence of God, like how moses hungers God's presence when he goes to the promised land.
How wonderful.
F A B U L O U S L Y.So in Love with Jesus
11:48 PM
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
This is too slack for me that i couldn't take it.
Oh man, please give me something to do.
F A B U L O U S L Y.So in Love with Jesus
2:45 PM